The Core of The Emporia Group: Redemptive Leadership

Redemptive leadership begins with the assumption that we are part of something much bigger than ourselves.  Each person is born into a grand narrative that is already being played out, the story of God and His people.  That story is one with a singular plot line: redemption.  The evil and brokenness of the world and its systems play upon the evil and brokenness of the humans who live in that world, attempting to overcome and destroy them.  God’s story in the face of that assault is redemption, a buying back of all people through the power of His love and goodness.  More than simply buying back though, God’s redemptive purposes buy us back from this brokenness and frailty and release us into full freedom and power, an invitation from Him to live and lead in the same ways He does: redemptively. 

Redemptive leadership sees the platform(s) of influence offered to a leader as an opportunity to lead others away from brokenness, toward power and freedom, through the embrace and practice of God’s redemptive principles of leadership.  With a humble understanding that every leadership move made is part of a larger redemptive narrative that God has been living through all history, redemptive leaders lead from rock-solid confidence of who they are and why they exist. 

The Emporia Group’s purpose is to empower the redemptive leadership beliefs and practice of leaders and their teams all across the spectrum of marketplace culture.  We mainly accomplish this through the equipping and empowering redemptive principles of leadership in the businesses and non-profit groups who invite us to partner with them.  Redemptive principles of leadership like:

  • Humility
  • Honor
  • Systemic organizational health
  • Technology as language
  • Collaboration
  • Healthy Families & Healthy Family Business Systems
  • Power
  • Freedom from shame
  • Innovative leadership
  • Redemptive strategic planning
  • Communication & Problem-Solving

The power of God’s redemptive work lies in His choice to invite our participation with Him in this beautiful narrative He is writing.  Our confidence comes from the truth that He is with us and for us, therefore the work of redemptive leadership is one designed to guide leaders to joy, fulfillment, and life that is truly abundant. 

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